onsdag 3 december 2008


OK, jag håller med om att flera av formarna som användes i lördags var en aning oortodoxa (läs dinosaurier, Bamse, dödskallar etc) men allvarligt talat, det här tar nog priset. Kakformar som ser ut som ett foster. *Ick*

At last, EVERYBODY can have "one in the oven" with the deliciously disturbing Fetus Cookie Cutter!

Ursäkta mig men *va*?! Hittade det här när jag tittade på hemska tårtor på Cake wrecks. Finns det inget som folk inte kan komma på?


I'm not the kind of person that feels that everything must be traditional. So far this year I've used gingerbread cutters in shape of dinosaurs, elephants, camels and skulls. I think I've seen one of the most disturbed cake cutters so far though - a fetus-shaped cookie cutter.
At last, EVERYBODY can have "one in the oven" with the deliciously disturbing Fetus Cookie Cutter!

Found it on Cake wrecks.

6 kommentarer:

  1. This can be a classic theme for collectors; here's another one: http://www.coolstuff.se/Pipparkaka


  2. Hahaha, I saw them last year I think. A must have in the modern family.

  3. What can I say? People are strange...

  4. ... And here's one a bit more nice... http://www.gehrmans.se/shop/info.asp?CGkod=8089


  5. Those were cute, actually. :) Especially the G clef.
