lördag 29 november 2008

Årets pepparkakshus!

Årets hus blev en kyrka, lätt hotad av vulkanen som står bakom och förmodligen har fått ett utbrott.

This year's gingerbread house is a pretty church. Oh yeah, slightly threatened by the vulcano behind it...

5 kommentarer:

  1. Oh wow! You made that. I have yet to make a gingerbread house. Why the volcano?

  2. This was a joint venture at J and Little M yesterday. Why the volcano, you ask? Well, why not? :) I asked the builders (The Husband was one of them) and they answered that the church needed some pimping up. What better than a vulcano? (Two or three years ago they made a zombiechurch for Christmas. Don't ask...) I also asked the why Jesus hanged outside the church and they didn't have any good answer to that.

    Jenny: Synd bara att det inte står hemma hos oss... :)

  3. Hmmm. Interesting holidays goings on in Sweden. I guess the Gluewein is inspiring!Sounds like you had a lot od fun.

  4. It was a lot of fun. You should have been there!
